Thursday, 25 March 2010

Act responsibly - don't vote!

WITH the general election drawing nauseatingly close, Worthing Anarchists are calling on all citizens to exercise their democratic right – NOT to vote!

With public trust in the political parasites at an all-time low and the country descending into economic meltdown, it is likely that the turn-out will be one of the lowest on record.

This is YOUR chance to be part of a HISTORIC moment and bang your own personal nail into the coffin of the establishment.

Below are some pretty sound reasons for boycotting the ballot box. Why not pick out your favourite from the list and have it tattooed onto your forehead in the run-up to election day?

* It makes no difference. Whoever you vote for, the Government always gets in.

* Not only does the Government always get in, but it also carries out exactly the same policies as it would have done if the election had gone ‘the other way’.

* Voting gives you the completely misleading impression of having had some sort of say in the way the country is run.

* Voting is not an expression of power, but an admission of powerlessness.

* Voting for anyone other than the BNP won't stop the BNP, it is the anti-working class policies of the mainstream parties that give rise to the BNP.

* People say you should vote because people died fighting for the right to vote, but people died fighting for Hitler. That is no argument at all.

* Why vote for someone to rule your life when you can fight to rule your own life?

* Who better knows the issues that affect your life and your community, you or some professional politician?

* Some say “If you don’t vote, you can’t complain” but the opposite is true - by voting you give your support for this corrupt system so can’t complain about how awful the whole thing is!

* The opposite of voting isn’t dictatorship, it’s real democracy where we all have a say in how our lives are run.

* If you don’t vote it dosen’t make you apathetic and ignorant - it means you’re intelligent enough to see that the political institutions are rotten to the core and need to be replaced!

* If you vote, you are basically putting your cross in the box marked “Yes, I am stupid and gullible enough to fall for this pitiful and charmless charade.”

* They’re all a bunch of lying gits that you wouldn’t trust to go down the road to get you some beer and not spend all your cash on caviar and marshmallows for an obese sewer rat with a gambling addiction.

* If voting actually changed anything, it would have been reclassified as terrorism by now and attacked by a squadron of unmanned nuclear-armed drones.

* All politicians essentially belong to the same political party – the Fat Cat Party. They just split it up into different factions so we think we’re getting some kind of choice. Then laugh at us behind our backs. Bastards!

* Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.

* Voting is not as much fun as rioting.

* Non-voting really pisses off politicians. Tony Blair once famously said he’d rather people voted for the Tories than not vote at all. That pretty much sums it all up, really.

* Non-voting really pisses off the sort of liberal tits who imagine signing petitions amounts to meaningful radical activity. “You have to exercise your right to vote!” they tell us. “No we don’t. Fuck off!” we politely reply.

* Nobody listens to your views. Nobody cares about your life, your environment, your future. And that’s why you should always Vote Nobody!

What anarchists elsewhere are saying:



