Saturday, 8 May 2010

Newsflash: Nobody wins election!

A MAJOR triumph for Worthing Anarchists. Throughout the general election campaign, we urged people to vote for Nobody. And now we're being told that Nobody has actually won it!

Meanwhile, we continue to support the concept of a hung parliament, though we could do with some money for old rope.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Mayday Round Up

Mayday is international workers day; a day we celebrate the battles we’ve won and remember those who have fallen in battle, particularly the Haymarket Martyrs.

As part of this historic day Worthing Anarchists travelled to London where, as well as the traditional trade union March, thousands of people occupied Parliament Square and the road outside parliament. Mayday protests took place all over the world and below is a round up of some of these, A special mention goes out to the Anarchists in Greece who look like they’re gonna overthrow a government or two this year!


Video from Indymedia (WARNING: very slow loading)

Photos and short report from Indymedia

Athens and Thessaloniki:

Youtube Video 1

Youtube video 2

Video From ITN news

Article from

Photos from Athens Indymedia

Photos and timeline from Occupied London Blog (a very good place to keep up on happenings in Greece generally)

Article from The Guardian

Article and video from The Vast Minority

Berlin and Hamburg:

Article from

Photos from Germnay Indymedia


Photos from Flickr

Los Angeles:

Youtube Video


Article from The Vast Minority


Article from Latin American Herald Tribune

Youtube video


Article from National Turk

La Paz, Bolivia:

Article and video from

Kathmandu, Nepal:

Article from Sify

Round the world:

Photos from The Guardian

Photos from Monsters and Critics

Article from Monsters and Critics

Video from BBC