Sunday, 27 September 2009

Anarchy in the USA

DEFIANT street protests against capitalism are back on the streets of the USA, despite all the liberal hype surrounding President Obama.
That's the picture that's emerged from across the Atlantic, with the spirited anarchist demonstrations against the G20 summit in Pittsburgh this week.
An interesting report featuring photos of the clashes from radical site crimethinc states: "The basic narrative of the day runs thus: The protesters attempt to reach the summit site, but are brutally forced back by police. They eventually turn around and march through Pittsburgh neighborhoods and shopping districts, where the police pursue and attack them. Property destruction intensifies in response to these attacks, and the conflict culminates in a standoff between police and students during which a black bloc destroys a business district. One might interpret all this as legitimate acts of revenge for the police murder in London at last spring’s G20 summit; but it also signifies the survival of militant street resistance in the Obama era."
Of course, at the same time the protests showed that repressive police state tactics are still being used to repress resistance to capitalism on the streets of the USA, despite all the liberal hype surrounding President Obama. A shocking video report showing the intimidatory atmosphere can be seen on the G-Infinity site.